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E-Waste Management

E-Waste Management and Handling Rules

E-waste is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their useful life. E-wastes are considered dangerous, as certain components of some electronic products contain materials that are hazardous, depending on their condition and density. The hazardous content of these materials poses a threat to human health and environment. Discarded computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines, electric lamps, cell phones, audio equipment and batteries if improperly disposed can leach lead and other substances into soil and groundwater. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled in an environmentally sound manner so that they are less harmful to the ecosystem.

Benefits of E-waste Recycling

  • Electronics Recycling Conserves Natural Resources

There are many materials that can be recovered from old electronics. These materials can be used to make new products, thus reducing the need to mine for new raw materials. For instance, various metals can be recovered from computer circuit boards and other electronics, and the plastics and glass found in computer monitors and televisions can be recycled.

  • Electronics Recycling Supports the Community

Donating your old electronics plays an important role in the provision of refurbished products such as computers and mobile phones, which can be of great help to low-income families, schools, and not-for- profit organizations. It also helps individuals gain access to technology that they could not have otherwise afforded.

  • Electronics Recycling Creates Employment Locally

Considering that around 90 percent of electronic equipment is recyclable, electronics recycling can play a significant role in creating employment. This is because new firms dealing with electronics recycling will form and existing firms will look to employ more people to recover recyclable materials. This can be triggered by the increase in the demand for electronics recycling.

  • Electronics Recycling Helps Protect Public Health and the Environment

Many electronics have toxic or hazardous materials such as mercury and lead, which can be harmful to the environment if disposed of in trashcans. Reusing and recycling electronics safely helps in keeping the hazardous materials from harming humans or the environment. For example, televisions and computer monitors are hazardous since they have led in them. Printed circuit boards contain harmful materials such as cadmium, lead, mercury and chromium. Also, batteries in computers and other electronics may contain hazardous materials such as cadmium, mercury and lead.

Instead of keeping old electronics in the house or dumping them in landfills, recycling or reusing them is an appropriate option that should be supported by individuals and organizations. Considering the benefits of electronics recycling, it is very important that people in various parts around the world embrace this concept.

Instead of keeping old electronics in the house or dumping them in landfills, recycling or reusing them is an appropriate option that should be supported by individuals and organizations. Considering the benefits of electronics recycling, it is very important that people in various parts around the world embrace this concept.

 Creates Jobs: E-waste recycling creates new jobs for professional recyclers and creates a second market for the recycled materials.

Do’s& Don’ts


  • Always look for information on the catalogue with your product for end-of-life equipment handling.
  • Ensure that only Authorized Recyclers/Dismantler handle your electronic (i.e. Air Conditioner and accessories) products
  • Always call at our toll-free No’s to Dispose products that have reached end-of life
  • Always drop your used electronic products, batteries or any accessories when they reach the end of their life at your nearest Authorized E-Waste Collection Points
  • Always disconnect the battery from product, and ensure any glass surface is protected
    against breakage.


  • Do not dismantle your electronic Products on your own
  • Do not throw electronics in bins having “Do not Dispose” sign
  • Do not give e-waste to informal and unorganized sectors like Local Scrap Dealer/Rag Pickers
  • Do not dispose your product in garbage bins along with municipal waste that
    ultimately reaches landfills

Awareness Programme

STARTRON LIFESTYLES PRIVATE LIMITED for creating Promising awareness throughout the country will do the following:

  1. General Awareness through various media
  2. Digital awareness
  3. Awareness through trade partners
  4. Awareness through Advertisements
  5. Awareness through training and conducting regular workshop

General Awareness Through Various Media Including Print Media

Through Booklets/leaflets – Products manuals /products catalog shall contain a booklet/leaflet endeavoring to make the user aware on the E-waste and its handling, manner of disposal (do’s and don’ts). The information covers the under mentioned things:

  • Hazardous constituents in electrical and electronics equipment’s
  • Impacts of importers handling/dumping OR disposal/accidental breakage/recycling of e-waste
  • Handling of e-waste (Do’s Don’ts)
  • Symbol on products & Booklet mentioning prevention of dumping of E-waste in garbage bins
  • Mechanism available to consumers for disposal of their e- waste directly to recyclers
    data and take back systems.

Through Invoices – The Company shall print on its invoices a one liners information its toll-free numbers for disposal of e- waste.

Through Logos/Slogans on Products which state that Recycling Is a Necessity – This step will help the customers to get knowledge and encouragements for proper disposal through recycling of the products.


Through Social Networks sites: STARTRON LIFESTYLES PRIVATE LIMITED through its various social networking platforms (Facebook, twitter, Instagram website)undertakes to post on monthly basis to educate its customers about electronics

Awareness Through Trade Partners: By Installing banners /standers/ poster /at its dealers to the put on the prominent places in theirs premise in orders to educate customers /create awareness about what is electronics waste its hazardous impacts and the contact details of our authorized recyclers /dismantler to facilitate the customers for the safe disposal of their electronics waste.

Awareness Through Advertisements: STARTRON LIFESTYLES PRIVATE LIMITED shall spread e-waste awareness by doing advertisements in the following manners

  • Online Advertisements Videos on YouTube channel/YouTube commercial
  • Outdoor Advertisements

The company shall also advertise in educating its customers in various company sponsored events (awarded functions, contents, seminars, exhibitions etc.) via posters, standees and videos informing and sensitizing the customers about electronics waste, how not to dispose electronics waste in garbage bins but safe disposal of electronics waste.

Awareness Through Training and Conducting Regular Workshops: STARTRON LIFESTYLES PRIVATE LIMITED will initiate training programs for RAWS, school, and colleges etc. for creating awareness amongst the general public. STARTRON LIFESTYLES PRIVATE LIMITED will do this activity twice in every month covering two states/UT/totaling to at least 24 such activities in a calendar year which covers 24 sate/UT. The Company shall educate all existing employees by conducting quarterly training /worker shops on e-waste and also a presentation on electronics waste shall be mandatorily by made a part of the induction program for all new employees of the company. The company shall provide training to Shop Owners/ retailers demonstrating the various aspects of electronics waste, safe, disposal, collection centers and hazardous impacts of electronics waste which shall be passed on to the customers visiting the various   dealers/retailers. This will be done on a PAN India basis.

Awareness through Advertisement:

STARTRON LIFESTYLES PRIVATE LIMITED shall spread e-waste awareness by doing advertising in the following manner:

  • Online Advertising through Videos on YouTube Channel/ YouTube commercial
  • Outdoor Advertising

The Company shall advertise in future, educating its customers, in various company sponsored events (award functions, contents, seminars, exhibitions etc.) via posters, standees and videos informing and sensitizing the customers about electronic waste, how not to dispose electronic waste and the safe way of disposing electronic waste.

E-Waste Management Plan: STARTRON LIFESTYLES PRIVATE LIMITED has partnered with E-Waste Recyclers India (EWRI) to comply with the new India E- Waste Management and Handling rules in providing drop-of centers and environmentally sound management of end of life electronics. EWRI has obtained authorizations from the appropriate governmental agency for their processing facilities. EWRI will receive and recycle customer returned equipment, including all the e-waste. Customers can drop their e-waste in the drop-box provided at various collection centers of EWRI. A list of collection centers along with the address is mentioned below. The customers can also call on the following toll-free number (1800-102-5679) from Monday to Friday between 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM to get details about the collection centers.

E-Waste material collection centre/point

M/s E-waste Recycler India has signed an agreement with Professional Logistics Pvt. Ltd for reverse logistics for Channelization of E-waste to the facility.

Collection Facilities (Collection Point /Centres, Warehouse) List Can Be Downloaded HERE